The Israel Multiple Sclerosis Society are happy to invite you to the
Conference for MS Patients & their Families in Tel Aviv
8 may.2018

The conference is offered as a public service courtesy of Merck & Company
The service is provided impartially, with no impact on the conference’s content


Arrival and refreshments

Opening remarks
Janine Vosburgh, Executive Director and Director of Social Services

Lecture: A secret… Why? A discussion about illness within the family
Not only within the family – when a person is diagnosed with an illness, it also impacts his or her immediate family. Often, the initial inclination is to keep the diagnosis a secret, but such a reaction results in emotional difficulties – for both the person diagnosed and the people around him/her. What should we tell the children? Should the diagnosis be shared with elderly parents? Who else should know and how should it be related?
Eran Berkovitz, a medical psychology specialist, director of the MS community on Camoni website.

Q & A

Sharing life stories by members of the Society

Lunch served in Hotel’s restaurant

Lecture: A shot of energy for life
Guy Mizrachi – Dr. Enthusiasm
a man of the sea, of processes and a people person. Guy has extensive experience in managerial and organizational consultancy for a global firm, and a passion for education expressed in managing projects aimed at changing education in Israel, with a focus on inclusion. Guy has a BA in psychology, is a group facilitator, and is the founder of Touch the Pita – that developed and now offers a model for the improving attainment of goals through positive behaviors and actions, a model that is a refined version based on the IDF’s training for special units.
Guy loves: social change, solving challenges, young people and good hummus.

Lecture: Treatments to improve everyday symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. F. Petro – Senior Neurologist at the Center for Multiple Sclerosis, Hadassah Medical Center

Q & A

Lecture: New treatments and research directions in Multiple Sclerosis
Prof. D. Karussis – Head of the Multiple Center Sclerosis at Hadassah Medical Center, Deputy Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board of the Israel MS Society.

Q & A

Refreshments and distribution of gift packages