What are Special Services Allowance and Long-Term Care Insurance?
For the benefit of the community of MS patients in general and those who face severe disabilities in particular, I am hereby honored to bring up an important issue:
As is well known, rights in the State of Israel are determined by the effect of the medical condition on various functions, and now we will talk a little about the harm done in carrying out day-to-day activities and dependence on the help of others to perform them.
Within the framework of the range of medical rights to which MS patients may be entitled by the National Insurance Institute, there is a Special Services allowance.
This allowance is intended to assist those who need the help of others in carrying out day-to-day operations and managing their household.
There are 3 levels of eligibility for the Special Services, and the level of eligibility is determined by the degree of dependence on the help of others which is examined by an assessment of one’s abilities to function performed by the institution (the levels of dependence grant eligibility to an allowance ranging between ILS 1,527 and ILS 5,641 a month). The purpose of the assessment is to determine how dependent the subject is on other in performing daily activities (bathing, dressing, sphincter control, eating and walking in the home. Then there is an assessment of how dependent the subject is on the help of others in managing the household: shopping, preparing food, taking medication etc.). In the assessment, the assessor scores the level of dependence and the need for the help of others, and the level of eligibility is determined on the basis of the general score.
Some patients have a long-term care insurance policy with various insurance companies, some through health funds, some through the workplace, through a spouse, some through belonging to such and other customer clubs and more.
Long-term care insurance is in addition to a special services allowance from the National Insurance Institute, so for those who have long-term care insurance, it is highly recommended to keep it even if you do not require long-term care. Long-term care insurance usually provides monthly compensation, which usually starts at a total of ILS 3,500 per month for a period of 5 years to life.
When, God forbid, the moment comes, if the moment comes, and you need the help of others, you will need any source of income, and as mentioned, you can receive both a special services allowance and long-term care insurance.
Unlike a special services allowance, long-term care insurance does not have eligibility levels, i.e., you either require long-term care or not.
In most long-term care insurance policies, a person requiring long-term care is a person who is unable to independently perform at least 50% of 3 of the daily activities (bathing, dressing, eating, controlling sphincters, walking at home and making transitions between situations) or mentally debilitated. The long-term care insurance also includes a dependency assessment test, which is performed at the patient’s home.
I know it sounds complex and impossible, but know that the rights are yours, do not give up your rights.
At your service, Attorney Linoy Olenik 052-4720400
Linoy Olenik, Attorney – Olenik Law Firm