Unpaid caregivers play a vital role in the lives of people with MS
Last updated: 28th November 2016
Rita is the full time caregiver for her daughter Soraia.
Unpaid caregivers play a vital role in the lives of people with MS, but being a caregiver comes with its own set of challenges.
Even the term ‘caregiver’ is difficult. For many people it feels like an awkward and inaccurate way to describe the relationship with a partner, friend or family member who also happens to have MS.
‘Caregiving’ could range from getting the groceries to helping someone with their basic needs. Often caregivers fit these tasks around other responsibilities like work, school, or childcare.
Going from being a partner, family member, friend or child to also being a caregiver can impact your relationship. Talking to other caregivers and getting support from MS or caregivers organisations can help with this.
Caregivers need to be recognised and supported. In-country MS and caregivers’ organisations are often best placed to offer this help.
Culture and circumstance play a huge role in the experience of caregivers. Finances, stigma and social care vary hugely between countries.
Amunda cares for her husband Dirk
Image: Unsplash.com – Markus Spiske